Thursday, March 21, 2013

What have you done for me lately?

Have you ever heard that?
Maybe from your spouse, a relative, a co-worker? Maybe you've asked God that?

This morning I lay in my bed, eyes half open thinking how bad I don't want to do a thing today. But, I have to. Just as millions of Americans and people world-wide, I got to work. Of coarse, I think..."What good has it (work) done for me lately?" Looking around, I realized my answer and got out of bed.

In today's readings, we see that both deal with Abraham. First, his covenant that was established with God, and second, Jesus recounting that as he spoke with the Jews. As the meditation reflects, go about your day today thinking of "What God has done for you." I bet you can't name something off the top of your head. Take a deeper look. Think of what Jesus has done for us. Think of him being betrayed, beaten and carrying the cross, and ultimately, dying.

Too often do we live as if we are owed something. We have been given numerous gifts, its just a matter of recognizing them and allowing them to work for us.

The point of this all this morning is, allow what Christ has done for you to sink in. Just as the Jews were freed from slavery, Christ freed us from the slavery of sin. His death and blood opened the gates of Heaven for you and I to walk through. It is our choice to join him on the other side. Just as it seems we are in a tough situation, or the end doesn't seem near, picture the Pearly Gates and walking through there, knowing what we did on earth wasn't in vain, but was the method and mode to get into Heaven and be with our Lord.

We have been set free from Sin, set free from Death and Hell. That's what HE has done for us.

Todays readings come from Pslam 105:4-9, Genesis 17:3-9 and John 8:51-59

Take care my friends

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