Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Woman and the Snake

During her travels, a woman came across a wounded snake. She was caring and compassionate, so she took the snake home and nursed it back to health. Weeks later, the snake bit her. As she lie on the ground, the snakes venom paralyzed her and she started to die. She asked the snake, "Snake, I took you in, nursed you to health and took care of you. Why would you do this to me?" The snake answered her "Woman, you knew I was a snake."

This was paraphrased from a movie I watched, and the timing of me hearing this story couldn't of been funnier. It reminds me of a situation, and other situation where friends....yes friendS, as in more then one, said "No! Don't do it!" And I did anyways. But are we comparing apples to apples? I mean, is tending to a snake a serious error in common sense? Or is that virtue of love and giving care too strong to make you see that something seriously bad could happen?

Life lessons have taught me to live carefully, and listen to common sense...but what is common sense to me, may not be common sense to you. I've been told I live with rose colored glasses on, I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I think its something to do with trying to see the good, and only the good in a possible relationship.

Friends, my point is, as I have learned, watch yourself. Look at the situation and take it for face value. Don't get wrapped up in what-ifs, yea-buts, but look at the situation at hand, and decide if that snake is going to kill you. If your intentions are well, maybe wait to nurse a cat or dog, rather then a venomous creature that will take whatever you can, and leave you for dead.

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