Sunday, March 31, 2013


Last night, I was confirmed into the Catholic Church. This was one of the most memorable, and most important moments in my life. I had numerous members and friends show up and endure the two-hour mass in my support. To which, I greatly appreciate. Catholic or not, they were there in my support.

What was it like?

Well, it started in the yard of the rectory. Father had a "Holy Fire" where he lit the Easter candle, and we processed in. Once that candle was inside, the light was spread and we took our seats. Then, the readings. Seven of them. I took these in, and realized how much the two testaments really reflect off of each other. The Old Testament sets up the history for the New Testament, and the New Testament solidifies the Old.

The homily reflected the rising of Christ, and the renewal of our lives. I think I had more of a feeling of renewal and new resolution last night then I ever on a New Years Eve. 

Four baptisms later, I stood alone, in front of Father Matt, professing my faith in commitment into the Catholic Church. This was a life changing, life altering, earth shattering event. "I believe and profess all the the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches and proclaims to be revealed by God."

Honestly, I couldn't remember everything Father said, but my heart slowed down when he dipped his thumb in the Chrism Oil, and said "Augustine, I seal you with the Holy Spirit." For the rest of the night, the Oil remained on my forehead, a sweet smell as a reminder of the sweetness of the life of Christ.

I was confirmed. I was officially something bigger then myself. Everything I have studied, all the emotions I went through and all the other events I've gone through, I have arrived. People say they've changed, they've done things to alter their life, I just did.

Others came up after me, then I sat back down next to my daughter. A flood of emotion and I was was set. Next came my first communion.

When it was time, I bowed, and the Host was in my hand. Once I put it in my found, I split it on the roof of my tongue, I had consumed the Body of Christ. Next was the blood. A sip was all I took, but the color was a vibrant red. The wine hit my tongue, absorbed itself into the remaining bread, and it was done.

It was a long and beautiful ceremony. I will never go through it again, and it was perfect. My 4 year old daughter did wonderful, and I had some of the most important people in my life in attendance.

Although the whole event took nearly two hours, it flew by. I am now happier then I have ever been in my life, and this journey that we call life has just begun.

Take care,

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Holy Thursday

Tonight marks the memory of the Last Supper, and Jesus being mounted to the cross. Fr. Matt's homily tonight reminded me of several things, and brought to my attention things that I've wondered about, and tried to figure out how to handle within my own mind. Here's some thoughts;

As Christ washed the feet, this was so symbolic of what we are to do. Our Creator, washed the feet of those who walked on the Earth he created. The same soil that is and was filled with blood, sin, war, hate...He cleansed us. As Father washed my feet today, the sense of all the eyes of the mass on me disappeared as I took in what was happening. He is not Jesus. But I experienced Christ washing my feet. An example of His teachings. Nothing is below him. Nothing is below us. We are mortal humans. We all deserve each others respect and humility. The rich, the poor, the sick...we are all on this planet for a very short time.  Why not make the best of it? Treat each other as Christ would treat them, and live as if you are about to die, and your last moments are being recorded for our Father.

Tonight marks the institution of the Eucharist...or the Communion. I've understood this Sacrament more and more each week since I started RCIA. Christ shared his body in the bread and wine, and the consumption of it, brings him literally into our blood. I am extremely excited to partake in this. To me, it's a solid, constant reminder of not only His sacrifice, but our commitment. Not just to "behave" or act "like a Christian" but we are to be Jesus while we are on earth. Which brings me to the next point.

Tonight marks the institution of Priesthood. Sharing the gospel has come easier for me as of late, and I've often pondered a drastic change in careers and seek out ministry. But, ministry isn't limited to the pulpit. You don't even have to be ordained. Some people see their life as being defined by a career or a job. But we all as Christians have a job. It's to spread God's word. In doing that, we are to be Christ like. Not Bible-thumping, screaming lunatics. But lights of example. Possessing the ability to calmly, rationally speak with someone of a different faith, or of no faith, and know what you are talking about, and have the faith and confidence that what you are saying is not only what you believe in, but what is right, and why.

I will not be in your face about my experience, but I will tell you about it. If you ask, I will tell. If you assume something , I can only recommend for you to find the truth your own way. Some of the keys to being a good Christian as well as an adult, is the ability and willingness to explain yourself, knowing you may get prosecuted, but in Him is the answer. In Him is the truth.

Our world is ruled by one king. One king who, created us, came to Earth, died for us, rose again and redeemed us from our sins. No president or politicians can do such a thing. With the help from the Holy Mother and all the Saints, we recognize He has done, and what He still does for us.

I encourage everyone who reads this, do something to remember Him tonight. After you read this, whether its saying the Rosary, talking to Him for the first time in years, or simply reading one verse in the Bible, (I recommend John 3:16) comment below what you did. Not for me or for yourself or for the sake of saying you did something, but do it in memory of Him. Do it as paying tribute for what He has done for us. Amen.

Take care my friends,

P.S. , I will be praying the Rosary before bed, reflecting on the Passion.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Chrism Mass

Last night was awesome. I received the Holy Oils from the Bishop, and brought them in this morning. These Oils will be used throughout the year for anointing the sick, confirmation and baptism. It was really an honor to receive them for the parish.

There were a lot of people in the Cathedral. More then I had expected. The music was just as grand as it was during the Rite of Election also. Bishop Walter spoke about renewal. Funny. Renewal. The perfect definition of what I'm going through. I'm not a "born-again Christian", I had a spiritual awakening and I have been renewed into the person that has always been there. Like tearing off a layer.

As I sat there in my seat, I looked around and saw what I am now. More then a person who (Saturday night) will be a Catholic, but I am a reflection of Christ. I am to live as if He was here, or I am Him. He lives in me. This is more then an every Sunday event. This is a lifelong commitment. Didn't I have that before? Maybe, but I never released it. I never found the avenues to learn and express my religion.

This renewal has opened my eyes. Not to the literal things around me, but to the life after this one, and the keys to achieve it. The keys to eternal happiness. I've always known, but never acted. I figured once I proclaimed my faith in Christ, I was done. Boom, I'm in Heaven. But it's not that easy. things that I needed to learn how to do. I've done all of those. And will continue to. But, the key is, having the discipline to do it, and be proud, but let the actions that you do, speak for you. Don't speak for your actions.

I've noticed significant changes in my life, not only spiritually, but how I perceive the world, current events, and even work. My trademark when dealing with a stubborn customer? Wham! Slams the phone. But, I've learned to keep it all cool...and I get results. God is patient with us. So we must be patient with each other.

In the next few writings, I will continue to dissect the words that I spoke of in my previous writings, but I will also go more in depth as to why I became Catholic. Let yourself be renewed. Tear off that layer and expose yourself to the new- or the old you, that has been hidden. Open yourself to Christ to work in you, and you will see the changes.

Take care,

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Reflection on Reconciliation

So, today, I completed another step on my journey into Catholicism. Reconciliation or Confession. When I first thought of going through this process, I asked Sister Mary why we had to do this. "To get it off your chest" She said simply. Then all the other surrounding questions came into play.

Does the Bible say we need to do this?
What gives the Priest the right to "absolve sins?"
How often do I need to do this?

Well, I shortly found the answers to my questions. I can list them on here, but I encourage you to look on your own and find them.

I walked into Sacred Heart and sat next to the Reconciliation room. I was completely nervous. I was about to tell another human the deepest secrets and the worst things I have been doing. But wait, I learned this. I was not speaking to a Priest. I was speaking to Christ. The Priest (In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) was listening to me. I sat down, advised him I hadn't done this before. Then I left as if I had an out-of-body experience. It just flowed out of me.

I had written down what I wanted to confess, but my mind took over. I was connect to Jesus.

My heart stopped pounding. I stopped shaking. I talked for about 10 minutes. Reflecting on not only the sin, but the cause. I told him how I attempted to prevent certain sins. I was comfortable. In all the talking I did, he did not think deeply. He saw the problem. He said "First, you are obviously a candidate. Welcome to our Church. You are one your way to becoming a Catholic and you will see God's work amplified in your life. Keep saying the Hail Mary's when you feel the urge to sin, but also stay positive. Negativity can do great harm to us. Keep a positive frame of mind."

And that was it. I know and knew I had to stay positive. But of all the negative things that have happened, or keep happening, I have to remember, keep positive. It's hard sometimes, real hard. But it's the way to be. Keep smiling, keep your head up.

All and all, my thoughts were of was very refreshing. Yes, it felt like I was sitting at a doctors office...more like a dentist office, about to do something I didn't want to...but deep inside did.

Here's the lesson. God wants us to repent. He wants us to live sin-free. When you receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, you are forgive of your sins. God, working through the Priest, absolves you. But it says in the Bible ,in James 5:15 - “Therefore, confess our sins to one another,” in reference to the men referred to in verse 15, the priests of the Church.

Does God care if we sin? Of course. But he can not prevent it. He can only put in place the pieces for us to help ourselves not. When we confess ourselves to fellow man, we are putting it out there to another person, to whom subconsciously,  we have to hold ourselves up to the standards we asked to be set for ourselves.

All in all, it was very refreshing. I will obviouisly be going again, and I will be a little more prepared, and a little less nervous.

Take care my friends.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

What have you done for me lately?

Have you ever heard that?
Maybe from your spouse, a relative, a co-worker? Maybe you've asked God that?

This morning I lay in my bed, eyes half open thinking how bad I don't want to do a thing today. But, I have to. Just as millions of Americans and people world-wide, I got to work. Of coarse, I think..."What good has it (work) done for me lately?" Looking around, I realized my answer and got out of bed.

In today's readings, we see that both deal with Abraham. First, his covenant that was established with God, and second, Jesus recounting that as he spoke with the Jews. As the meditation reflects, go about your day today thinking of "What God has done for you." I bet you can't name something off the top of your head. Take a deeper look. Think of what Jesus has done for us. Think of him being betrayed, beaten and carrying the cross, and ultimately, dying.

Too often do we live as if we are owed something. We have been given numerous gifts, its just a matter of recognizing them and allowing them to work for us.

The point of this all this morning is, allow what Christ has done for you to sink in. Just as the Jews were freed from slavery, Christ freed us from the slavery of sin. His death and blood opened the gates of Heaven for you and I to walk through. It is our choice to join him on the other side. Just as it seems we are in a tough situation, or the end doesn't seem near, picture the Pearly Gates and walking through there, knowing what we did on earth wasn't in vain, but was the method and mode to get into Heaven and be with our Lord.

We have been set free from Sin, set free from Death and Hell. That's what HE has done for us.

Todays readings come from Pslam 105:4-9, Genesis 17:3-9 and John 8:51-59

Take care my friends

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I've challenged myself lately, to not only bring my life closer to God, but to analyze and understand it all more completely. I do understand however, that never will I completely understand. I am just scratching the surface of my learning, and I can't wait to learn more, and speak more about it.

Over the next few writings, I am going to discuss certain terms or beliefs that I have come across, and either learned, or started to comprehend, or had my eyes opened to the true definition of it. Grace, Faith, Hope, Love, Predestination...etc...tonight, I start with Grace.

I've always heard "through God's grace" or "with the grace of Christ" ...but I've never understood it until recently. Simply, grace is a gift from God. How we choose to use it is up to us. God's grace doesn't work unless we recognize it, and allow ourselves to work in it. Once we have recognized it, worked in it, and allow Him to continue showing us his intentions, we can further enrich ourselves in His grace.

Imagine it this way. The Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Creation of Man....all world-renowned pieces of art. But, they we're not always art. It took paint, canvas, a brush, effort and time, to create these. This is the same thing as grace. God gives us the tools in the grace He provides us, and it is our job to follow his will in it.

Grace seems to be the first and most simple topic I have deduced and shared so far.

So, I ask you...

What is "Grace" to you?

The Pope

There are few "Where were you when" moments in my life that I can recall off the top of my head. The explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia, those first images of the tsunami in Japan and Indonesia...etc.

Finding out a new Pope had been elected sent chills down my spine. For numerous reasons.

I had just left the doctors office with Bella, heading for another doc, when on the EWTN broadcast, the woman said "Wer're seeing smoke again, and it's grey...grey? White? White!! White smoke! White smoke!" I had a chill rush down my spine and I was smiling from ear to ear. The bells in the Vatican were heard on the radio, and even Bella said "Dad, what's those bells from?" I told her "You will see soon."

So after the doctor, we headed the the Kelley Catholic Center on Henry, and I met Sister Mary there glued in front of the TV? "New pope!" She yelled. I told her I heard and I came over right away because I knew she'd be watching. So, for the next 30 minutes, Bella, Sr. Mary, four others, and myself all watched in anticipation as Pope Francis made his appearance. I love the "new" feeling. But, this is more symbolic for me then just a new Bishop of Rome.

As you may know, I am winding down my RCIA classes and will be confirmed on Easter Vigil. I am becoming a Catholic and living out a life centered in Jesus Christ, and learning numerous things through the Church. Along with my pending confirmation, I went to Our Lady of Grace, and officially registered as a member of the Parish. I belong to something. Something so much more bigger then myself, or anything I have ever belonged to. Pope Francis is my pope entering into the Church and he and I share the same time stepping into new roles (along with the thousands of other RCIA candidates). So, it was very exciting.  This Papacy is symbolic of a new beginning for the Church, as well as a new beginning for myself.

But the previous Papacy inspired me as well. I had been under a lot of stress while trying to manage/work at two different locations and it was taking a lot on me, mentally and physically. So, I prayed. Asking how do I make this work, what do I do? Then he did it. Benedict stepped down. Granted, his stepping down and mine were very different, with God's help, I recognized my strengths, weaknesses and talents and relinquished my position. My decision was met with support, and everything is going great. It's another sign that prayer works. Sometimes God says "no", but sometimes he opens your eyes to see the answer.

Until next time my friends, stay safe and take care.


The Woman and the Snake

During her travels, a woman came across a wounded snake. She was caring and compassionate, so she took the snake home and nursed it back to health. Weeks later, the snake bit her. As she lie on the ground, the snakes venom paralyzed her and she started to die. She asked the snake, "Snake, I took you in, nursed you to health and took care of you. Why would you do this to me?" The snake answered her "Woman, you knew I was a snake."

This was paraphrased from a movie I watched, and the timing of me hearing this story couldn't of been funnier. It reminds me of a situation, and other situation where friends....yes friendS, as in more then one, said "No! Don't do it!" And I did anyways. But are we comparing apples to apples? I mean, is tending to a snake a serious error in common sense? Or is that virtue of love and giving care too strong to make you see that something seriously bad could happen?

Life lessons have taught me to live carefully, and listen to common sense...but what is common sense to me, may not be common sense to you. I've been told I live with rose colored glasses on, I'm not sure what that means exactly, but I think its something to do with trying to see the good, and only the good in a possible relationship.

Friends, my point is, as I have learned, watch yourself. Look at the situation and take it for face value. Don't get wrapped up in what-ifs, yea-buts, but look at the situation at hand, and decide if that snake is going to kill you. If your intentions are well, maybe wait to nurse a cat or dog, rather then a venomous creature that will take whatever you can, and leave you for dead.


The warm summers air was still as I ascended the stairs of the dunes at the old "Bronson Park." Memories of running up those stairs as a child came and went, as I took my time on that Sunday after noon. Carrying my Bible, I didn't know why I was there. After mass, I got in my car and just drove. Drove down town, down Lakeshore drive, around Silversides, did the turn around my Muskegon Lake, and continued on. Eventually this is where I would end up. Memories of other things came back, and I remembered showing so many other people this spot in Muskegon that they did not know about. From the top, you can see for miles and was my favorite spot. I went up there to clear my head and get a breather from humanity. Atop the stairs, I took the southern path, sitting on a bench that faced the north. The long blades of beach grass tickling my legs, the whooshing of the waves breaking, the birds chirping, the fresh air filling my lungs, I found my place and leaped into deep meditation.

Why was I here though? Why this spot? This was where I could find my answer to a big problem.

Recently, I had ended a long term relationship, and the effects of being alone were still new to me, but effecting me more so that Sunday afternoon then previously had. It wasn't me missing a person. It was a part of me that was missing. I was alone. Not only physically, as in, I was with no one else, but my thoughts sunk in to, Geddy, you're on your own. This was disheartening. I have my daughter and family, and I love and appreciate them all very much. But again, this was a different loneliness.

So, I prayed. I asked God "Please Lord, please help me get out of this. I feel so alone. I am depressed by the feeling of constantly being stuck in the same routine everyday, with the same people, everyday. I need your help on this one."

I kept my head down, and cleared my mind. I flushed it from all the nonsense that it was filled with and just listened. Clearing your mind is not easy by any means and it is extremely difficult.

During the first few months of me being single again, I was not wild by any means, but I went from stage to stage, eventually landing to my commitment of conversion, and ultimately, to where I am now. I turned to alcohol to fill that void. It worked for a while. The first drink would calm my nerves, the second one was for the taste, the third got me a bit buzzed and so on and so on.... But where did that lead me? On a path to addiction I did not want. A path that would comprise so many life? So, the booze took a back seat eventually. I still have one once and a while, (I gave it up for lent) but the path of addiction has been stopped long ago. Another stage was blowing money. It seemed like at the end of every week, I had just enough to get reloaded and blow it again. I went through a similar process during my divorce, and both of these problems were vices to I tried to use to over come my real problem.

Before this day, I had tried to figure out how to get out of this funk. I know other people can find that meditation in other ways, and that's wonderful, but it wasn't working for me. This July afternoon, I heard Him.

Eyes closed, a thundering voice filled my head and my heart. "Open your eyes." He said. My eyes shot open. No one was around me. My heart pounding, I thought "God just talked to me." It was a two part instruction. 1. Open your eyes physically. 2. Open your eyes to the world around you. I looked around. The sand, the water, the air. It made perfect sense. I opened my heart, head and soul, and realized that, with God, you are never alone. It took me 27 years to realize this. I opened my Bible and turned it to the first of the Old Testament. Genesis. I read through the first few chapters and felt anew, and so much better. I closed Bible, I stood up. It was at that moment, I felt the presence of the Angels, Saints and the Holy Mother. Along with hearing Him speak to me, it ended up being an event I will never forget.

My friends, the point of me writing this is to share with you the experience of Christ, and if you haven't already, open your heart to our Creator and Savior, and let him show you the way. I am a sinner and no Holy person by any means. But I can say with confidence I have heard the Lord and will continue to listen for him and do my best to lead as and example. Retaining that feeling of loneliness is depressing. But open your eyes. Look around you.

Take care my friends.

Who I am, what I've done, where I've been

Well, I'm back on facebook after a short hiatus. After a while, I started to get addicted to sitting on here for hours, but watching childish drama unfold...I decided it was a break, and see who was really a "friend". I found out. Those who still sought me out, still bothered to give a shout here and there etc... I also learned how to appreciate the real social interactions with people. Clicking "chat" and then clicking the "X" isn't being part of a dynamic social relationship. It's about going out, talking to that person in person, seeing the real world, and not just clicking "like" on a picture.

I've said again and again and again how much I've changed, how new and improved I will be...but in the last few months, I did it. I stripped myself down and really grew into who I am now. It's not just a mental thing. It's more then just thumping or pounding your chest declaring "this is who I am!" its action. Once you do the action, rather then say it, you realize you've committed to it and the change has occurred. How have I done that? Soul searching. A cliche statement I know, but there's a deep truth to it.

I am proud to say that I am converting, and will soon be fully converted into the Catholic Church (more about how that came about later). But along with that, the teachings I've discovered both through the Church and the one's I've identified with myself, I have followed through on. There are many items in that category that I can elaborate on to which I've ripped off the band-aid on, and frankly, got over. Certain thing's I've held onto over the years that were a weight on my chest, which, I knew, if I got rid of I would be liberated. I found this in the teachings of Christ. He forgave us for doing the horrific sins we have, as well as the minor ones, and held no grudges. After his resurrection, he did not go to a Roman guard and tell him I did this for everyone but was for all of us. So, in his example, I forgave, and told them in person that I forgave them for what they put me through. It wasn't a pity party for Geddy, but an acknowledgment that I am moving on, and for me, I no longer hold that on my soul. It's done. Now, on their end...that's their call, however they handle the situation, knowing they were in the wrong and handled things wrong, the weight of that can be lifted or carried.

I joined the Church to strengthen a relationship with God, and to make sure my eternal life is secure. I believe I can do this by living my faith, and carrying out good works. Faith and works...not just one or the other.I did this because my child needs to be brought up in a strong foundation and I am learning, as well as showing my daughter that the Church...(through Christ) can provide this. I know there are some misconceptions of the Church, and I invite you to seek the truth for yourself, as I did. The Church, like all people, have made mistakes and errors. To that which they have corrected and paid for, not just monetarily, but with the reputation as well. Still, I march forward. God, along with the angels, saints and this Son are with us, we have to chose to accept them and live with them in our life.

I've learned so much in the last few months. Love, death, sin, tolerance, acceptance...things that were not taught to me in school, things that as an adult you have to seek on your own. I do want to make clear, just because of what I proclaim and believe in, does not mean I fit into any stereotypes. Everyone lives their life in accordance to what they feel is right. For a long time, I did not, and I let others speak for me, and I acted on their wishes. No more.

My daughter is my world, to which I lead the example. When she gets to the age of noticing boys and what not, she will have an example in me which to follow.

Much more will be to come soon. I have set a goal to continue my love for writing and will. If you have a comment, by all means leave it, if it's negative or inappropriate, it'll be gone.

I wish you all the best.
Geddy Whalen