Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Tonight, I sit here, winding down from the day, reflecting on what was a pretty good day, until it was interrupted by an unnecessary phone call, and a stroll past my old home. Then I because agitated, upset and worried.

What's worrying me? It's not one thing. It's not one person. It's the fact that I am worrying. I am 28, once again living at my parents home, with no end in sight of that in the near future. But then when I do, will I have a job long enough to pay for the bills? Will I ever remarry? These thoughts and questions speed through my mind, and in an instant, I wake up where I am again.

I am trying to read the Bible and the Catechism within a year, and currently, I am in the Gospel According to Matthew.

God speaks to us. We might not hear a voice, but our eyes are the light to his word. I came across Matthew 6:26-34, I heard him speak to me.

"Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single moment to your life-span? Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin.  But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith? So do not worry and say, ‘What are we to eat?’ or ‘What are we to drink?’ or ‘What are we to wear?’ All these things the pagans seek. Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom (of God) and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil."

Imagine how well we would be if we lived like the birds. Completely care free. I do not think Jesus is saying for us to just throw all of our cares to the wind, but to live our lives without fear or worry, because, in the end, does it matter if you were a career doctor, pilot, construction worker or taxi cab driver? No. God will take care of us. All we have to do, is praise him and trust him!

My goal is to stop worrying - stop worrying about getting fired, if I will ever gain full independence again, if I will ever get married again. Because God will take care of it. It's time for me to put all my trust in him.

Do you?

Thursday, April 25, 2013


So, you and I have always heard of the saying "God answers all prayers" , right? Right. Well, my friends, Here is one thing I have learned. It has taken a while for me to understand what I've been saying, but here is my best attempt to describe it.

God answers all prayers. Sometimes immediately, sometimes, gradually. Sometimes yes, sometimes, no.

And I sit here tonight, thinking of all the prayers I've cast up. I have a typical prayer I recite before bed, then I make sure to include an Our Father...Hail Mary...etc.

But I want to share with you an experience I had today.

A particular person in my life had a job interview a few days ago. She came back and was really excited about how it went. I maintained the thought "If it's God's will..." But I also prayed on it, because the benefits are excellent and will solve many problems.

The next day....nothing.

The day after....nothing again.

Nothing as in, she didn't hear from the place she interviewed. So, as my typical Thursday dictates, I went to mass in the morning and spent a little extra time in prayer before mass, as well as after. On Thursdays, we do the novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and during it, I prayed for this woman and the job she is seeking.

This afternoon, I got a call.

"Geddy, I got the job!"

I was thrilled.

Prayers do go answered.

But in order to achieve the full power of prayer, you have to understand that God isn't a wishing well. He isn't a genie in a bottle We are at HIS will. So, you may pray to him, and he will answer. As much as we hope the answer is yes, sometimes, his answer is no as well.

Take care my friends.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why I became Catholic Part Two

Truth. What is truth?

For me, at the juncture I was at last year, I felt as if a hurricane ravaged my life. I was back at my parents, I was coming out of a relationship that took a lot out of me mentally and emotionally, the only thing I knew that has always been a part of my life -big or small- was Christ, and the word he spread on Earth.

I looked for what my purpose in life was. Why am I here? Why does this keep happening? How do I find happiness? What is faith? What is hope?

I looked and looked, and every avenue led the the Church. So, I started looking for a Church to call home. Even after my friends wedding, I looked around to see what all was out there. As I looked, I came to a realization. So many churches were led by one person. But by what authority do they preach under? They call claim to preach under the authority of God, and I can understand that concept, but how do I know that guy up there, the one reading from the pulpit is telling us the truth?

I learned that during the Catholic Mass, there are three readings from the Bible. This intrigued me. Intrigued me because, I wanted to have faith - to know - that I was in the right place. But I couldn't acheive that by listening to the Pastor. I didn't have faith that his interpretation, his view on the word was the right view. I am in no way slamming any pastor or priest by any means. But, if you are going to put your eternity in the hands of someone, wouldn't you want it to be the most educated, the highest institution you could find? Forever is a long time to be wrong....

So, again I was led to the Catholic Church.

When I say "authority" , I am referring to someone who supervises, someone who dictates with divine intervention the Word. In the Catholic Church, there is a hierarchy.  Priest > Bishop > Archbishop > Cardinal > Pope > Christ.

That's when I was flooded with more questions. "Papacy?" "Papal Infallibility?" Things I have never heard of. Sister had an answer for each question. This institution I found, this 2000 year old Church held the truth.

The truth for Christ's life and my true mission in this life. The Truth of the martyrs, saints, blessed.

I sit here writing, trying to think of the right words to express how and what I found. My friends, I found the Bride of Christ. As I got more into going to Mass, going to RCIA and reading different stories, I learned how to speak with God, how to walk with Jesus. The Catholic church provided and continues to provide me every resource to know, and have faith in the Truth. Not just hope that what I am doing is the right thing.

I have found complete trust in my faith, and even though there are some things that are hard for me to understand, I look to figure out what and why. There have been plenty of people before myself who have had these questions. This institution has been blessed by God through the ages and will continue to inspire and grow.

I will continue to post items on my faith, as well as other thoughts. I appreciate you taking the time to read some of my thoughts.

Keep your heart, eyes and ears open my friends.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ramble : Not Rabble.

God, give me the strength to the fulfill everything that you have brought to me, so I may not desire more then what is on my plate. Make me grateful in everything I have. Amen.

The hour of death is upon us. Let us be grateful in this name and rejoice!
May our Mother help us!
Hail Mary, full of grace. Pray for us. Amen.

Sorrow for sins - I am sorry for the offenses I have committed against you. Swearing. Lust. Anger. Amen.

Purity - To have no stains. Mortal or venial. To be as a white cloth, drifting in a summers breeze. Pure. No imperfections. Please help me stop obsessing. Amen.

Holy Mary, please help me stop obsessing. Amen
St. Augustine, please help me stop obsessing. Amen.

Lord, show me your plan so I may abide.

The inner strength that comes from God and God alone to face our fears, and confidently crush them.

Patience; Waiting. Knowing that good, and only good will come from what you are waiting for. Don;t wait for the bad. God, give me the patience to see your divine plan and act accordingly to your will. Amen.

Into your hands I commend my spirit. Give up all self control, trust that God will direct you in the path and purpose he sees fit for you. Understand that you may not understand it.

Perseverance;  Continuing with your belief and faith. Investing in your faith at all cost. Going through the worst, knowing the best is yet to come. Amen.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why I became Catholic - Part One

As promised, I said I would go into the "Why's" and "How's" of well, why and how I came Catholic. I've thought about this for a very long time, and to write it all in one post would be impossible. So, I will cover the Why first...

I believe we all have a conscious, a mental reasoning devise to tell us what is right, and what is wrong. What is good, and what is evil. God installs this in us when we are in the womb. It is only when we are out, and we figure things out on our own that we see what is good and bad. And, for those instances that we can not, or have difficulty pinpointing good or bad, we (at least I) turn to religion.

As some of you know, I was once married. Long story short, the marriage came to an end shortly after my daughter was born. We sought counseling, fought legally, blamed each other, and frankly, made it a complete hell for one another for a few years after the divorce. During my divorce, a co-worker and friend came over to my house several times, until late on numerous occasions, and we talked until the next morning. He is a devout Catholic, and really is responsible for setting the spark for my ignition for the fire of discovery of Catholicism. The talks helped me, no doubt, but the process was still incredibly painful.

I started a relationship after my divorce, in which the girl who I was dating, her ex-husband started to date my ex-wife. So, this became a huge, stressful mess, which never seemed to get better. During my relationship, my previously mentioned friend asked me to be in his wedding. I gladly obliged, and it was started.

It was a huge Catholic wedding, and I fell in love with the Church at the rehearsal. Everything about it. It was all Holy and Sacred. So, a few weeks after the wedding, I went to a Thursday mass and talked with Father briefly afterwards. He gave me the phone number to a nun, and I waster no time in getting in touch with her.

I set up a time to go talk to Sister, and I had a notebook full of questions ready to go. They were from every angle, and covered every common question.

I will later get into those...but the introduction of the Church was done at my friends wedding. If it had not been for him getting married, or actually me getting divorced, I would of never been brought back into my faith. So, as I just literally had that epiphany, my divorce was the reason he and I discussed into the night, but he also helped me as an ear, as a friend, and as a preacher of Christ.