Thursday, April 4, 2013

Why I became Catholic - Part One

As promised, I said I would go into the "Why's" and "How's" of well, why and how I came Catholic. I've thought about this for a very long time, and to write it all in one post would be impossible. So, I will cover the Why first...

I believe we all have a conscious, a mental reasoning devise to tell us what is right, and what is wrong. What is good, and what is evil. God installs this in us when we are in the womb. It is only when we are out, and we figure things out on our own that we see what is good and bad. And, for those instances that we can not, or have difficulty pinpointing good or bad, we (at least I) turn to religion.

As some of you know, I was once married. Long story short, the marriage came to an end shortly after my daughter was born. We sought counseling, fought legally, blamed each other, and frankly, made it a complete hell for one another for a few years after the divorce. During my divorce, a co-worker and friend came over to my house several times, until late on numerous occasions, and we talked until the next morning. He is a devout Catholic, and really is responsible for setting the spark for my ignition for the fire of discovery of Catholicism. The talks helped me, no doubt, but the process was still incredibly painful.

I started a relationship after my divorce, in which the girl who I was dating, her ex-husband started to date my ex-wife. So, this became a huge, stressful mess, which never seemed to get better. During my relationship, my previously mentioned friend asked me to be in his wedding. I gladly obliged, and it was started.

It was a huge Catholic wedding, and I fell in love with the Church at the rehearsal. Everything about it. It was all Holy and Sacred. So, a few weeks after the wedding, I went to a Thursday mass and talked with Father briefly afterwards. He gave me the phone number to a nun, and I waster no time in getting in touch with her.

I set up a time to go talk to Sister, and I had a notebook full of questions ready to go. They were from every angle, and covered every common question.

I will later get into those...but the introduction of the Church was done at my friends wedding. If it had not been for him getting married, or actually me getting divorced, I would of never been brought back into my faith. So, as I just literally had that epiphany, my divorce was the reason he and I discussed into the night, but he also helped me as an ear, as a friend, and as a preacher of Christ.

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