Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why I became Catholic Part Two

Truth. What is truth?

For me, at the juncture I was at last year, I felt as if a hurricane ravaged my life. I was back at my parents, I was coming out of a relationship that took a lot out of me mentally and emotionally, the only thing I knew that has always been a part of my life -big or small- was Christ, and the word he spread on Earth.

I looked for what my purpose in life was. Why am I here? Why does this keep happening? How do I find happiness? What is faith? What is hope?

I looked and looked, and every avenue led the the Church. So, I started looking for a Church to call home. Even after my friends wedding, I looked around to see what all was out there. As I looked, I came to a realization. So many churches were led by one person. But by what authority do they preach under? They call claim to preach under the authority of God, and I can understand that concept, but how do I know that guy up there, the one reading from the pulpit is telling us the truth?

I learned that during the Catholic Mass, there are three readings from the Bible. This intrigued me. Intrigued me because, I wanted to have faith - to know - that I was in the right place. But I couldn't acheive that by listening to the Pastor. I didn't have faith that his interpretation, his view on the word was the right view. I am in no way slamming any pastor or priest by any means. But, if you are going to put your eternity in the hands of someone, wouldn't you want it to be the most educated, the highest institution you could find? Forever is a long time to be wrong....

So, again I was led to the Catholic Church.

When I say "authority" , I am referring to someone who supervises, someone who dictates with divine intervention the Word. In the Catholic Church, there is a hierarchy.  Priest > Bishop > Archbishop > Cardinal > Pope > Christ.

That's when I was flooded with more questions. "Papacy?" "Papal Infallibility?" Things I have never heard of. Sister had an answer for each question. This institution I found, this 2000 year old Church held the truth.

The truth for Christ's life and my true mission in this life. The Truth of the martyrs, saints, blessed.

I sit here writing, trying to think of the right words to express how and what I found. My friends, I found the Bride of Christ. As I got more into going to Mass, going to RCIA and reading different stories, I learned how to speak with God, how to walk with Jesus. The Catholic church provided and continues to provide me every resource to know, and have faith in the Truth. Not just hope that what I am doing is the right thing.

I have found complete trust in my faith, and even though there are some things that are hard for me to understand, I look to figure out what and why. There have been plenty of people before myself who have had these questions. This institution has been blessed by God through the ages and will continue to inspire and grow.

I will continue to post items on my faith, as well as other thoughts. I appreciate you taking the time to read some of my thoughts.

Keep your heart, eyes and ears open my friends.

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